Restaurant Coffee Solutions

We provide the right support and advice to help you make coffee work for your restaurant.

Certified Organic

Try our organic coffee beans for coffee that doesn't harm the planet.

Certified Fairtrade

By buying Fairtrade coffee beans you're helping coffee farmers live better lives.

Rainforest Alliance

Sip for conservation & sustainability with Rainforest Alliance coffee beans.

Recyclable Packaging

All of the packaging we use for our coffee supplies is accredited & 100% recyclable.

Speciality Coffee

Always specialty, roasted to highlight the natural quality of the coffee.


Contact Us

Caffia coffee is for every palate and every pocket. Contact us for an obligation-free quote.

Installation & Service

We provide quick installation with  seamless support. As well as service packages. 


We provide full training on equipment and can also offer coffee-tasting & SCA training.

Aftercare & Maintenance

We provide the Caffia Aftercare, full support, quick responses and warranty packages.

Flexible Finance Options

Caffia offers our range of payment options such as, lease or purchase options.
Contact us today for friendly advice and fast quotations.
01324 617618

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Lomond House Russel Street Falkirk FK2 7HS

01324 617618

47 Gee Street Clerkenwell LONDON EC1V 3RS

0203 096 7233

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