Bravilor Bolero Instant Coffee Machine

The 32 model Bravilor Bolero instant coffee machine uses soluble coffee, cappuccino topping milk powder and hot chocolate vending mix to offer a wide range of drinks.


SKU INS356 Category

About The Product

Instant coffee machines like this come with the speed that comes in handy for long queues of bursts of demand. The Bolero has a hot water outlet for tea and topping up drinks and easy rinsing and cleaning of whipper bowls. You can interrogate the programming in order to count drinks vended with ease.


Instant coffee machines like this come with the speed that comes in handy for long queues of bursts of demand. The Bolero has a hot water outlet for tea and topping up drinks and easy rinsing and cleaning of whipper bowls. You can interrogate the programming in order to count drinks vended with ease.

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